More and more Acupuncture Practitioners are successfully pairing Celluma with acupuncture services, particularly Cosmetic Acupuncture Facials. When combined, the synergistic effect appears to powerfully enhance the benefits of both services. The versatile Celluma can be easily integrated into many acupuncture services to optimize outcomes.
Like acupuncture, best and long lasting changes generally occur with a series of sessions to leave you looking and feeling your best.
Celluma is leading that charge–winning awards left, right and center!
Additional Celluma/Acupuncture Benefits:
- Stand alone or adjunctive modality for pain
- Ideal pairing for cosmetic acupuncture
- Improve and prevent aging conditions
- Decrease pain & inflammation
- Increases collagen & elastin
- Increases Micro-circulation
- Relaxing and revitalizing
- Use anywhere on body
- Affordable
- Hands free modality
- No social downtime
- No discomfort
30 minute session – $50
Pacakge of 12 sessions – twice a week for 5 weeks – $500 (save $100)
add a 30 minute session to your Cosmetic Acupuncture or MicroNeedling Service – $35